Physical Therapy is an interesting field.
As Physical Therapists we have a hard time defining what we do.
So, I am going to answer your frequently asked questions about Physical Therapy.
“Do I Really Need Physical Therapy?”
Yes. If you are suffering from a nerve, muscle, and bone/joint injury or have had surgery, then physical therapy can help you reduce pain, injury, and weakness. We can help you get back to living a pain-free and more productive life.
During the initial assessment we can tell you the root cause of your pain and ailment. Also, we can give you some simple things to do to help yourself. For example, we give lacrosse balls to our patients and clients and show them how to do pressure point releases to ease their muscle pain.
The frequency and duration of the treatments will be fully explained. Some people we see feel better after only one session. Most people we see get great results in 6-12 sessions. Depending on the complexity of your condition you will see and feel results in as little as 3-4 treatments.
The cost of care is very affordable, especially compared to needless drug, injections, and surgeries. Most insurances cover a part of your treatment. If you do not have health insurance we can help you get better with affordable plans and packages.
We will be providing answers to your commonly asked questions about physical therapy in the future blog and articles.
Physical Therapy Connections, P.C.
(719) 565-6678