10 Ways to Improve Your Speed
1. Sprint train at least 2 times per week. You have to use it so you don’t lose it.
2. When you sprint train, run 4-10 sprints at 10-50 yards each sprint. The variety of distances helps with transfer of speed to different distances.
3. Time your sprints about every 6 weeks to track progress. Record each one to make changes as necessary.
4. Sprint all year round. In bad weather, run the 20-yard (18-meter) dash for time indoors.
5. Use video analysis. It can be extremely valuable! If you don’t have video analysis, simply have a qualified person observe you sprint and help you with corrections.
6. Perform proper flexibility training up to six times per week. To improve speed, you must move and stretch correctly.
7. Perform plyometrics twice per week, minimum. Make sure your form is perfect when doing the plyometrics.
8. Parallel squat. If you squat but don’t go parallel, you will not improve speed maximally. You must squat to parallel to make gains in your speed.
9. Perform the deadlift to strengthen and stretch the glutes and hamstrings at the same time.
10. Practice power cleans to develop an explosive start to your sprints.
Try these tips out and see how fast you get!
Physical Therapy Connections, P.C.
(719) 565-6678