It’s October: The time of year for all things scary! Ghosts, goblins and zombies may give you the chills this Halloween, but there is something far scarier that haunts millions of Americans year-round, and that monster is … Back Pain!
There can be times when back pain is so bad that it takes your breath away. It may even keep you from being able to walk! This pain is sometimes associated with the SI joint or Sciatic Nerve. Sometimes, sciatic and SI joint pain can come on very sudden and intense. Though it may stop you in your tracks, it doesn’t necessarily keep you in bed for days at a time. We have programs that can prevent this pain from getting too out of hand and help keep you on your feet.
Now that you know where some back pain can come from, here are the top two scariest back issues:
1) Bulging/herniated discs – This comes with terrible, unrelenting pain that doesn’t get any relief from changing positions, heat, ice or tears. This situation may mean you need surgery! Keep in mind that there are low to moderate level disc bulges/herniations that do not require surgery and can be relieved through therapy. If you notice that you have back pain, come see us right away so that we can determine where the pain is coming from and work to relieve it. The sooner you take care of your problem, the less likely you will ever need surgery.
2) Losing full control of bowel and bladder control – If this ever happens, get to the doctor quick! We often see that pelvic floor issues are directly related to low back pain. If you prolong this issue too long, you could also lose control of your legs and lose the ability to walk! Don’t hesitate to call and set up an evaluation or come to one of our free workshops to learn more.
Call 719-565-6678