“Your Back is Out of Alignment.”
“Your Spinal Joints are ‘Out’.”
“Minor Spinal Curves are Your Problem.”
“Tight Structures Must Be Causing Your Pain.”
“Tilted Pelvises, Short Legs, and Pinched Nerves”
This may Surprise you, but the above Statements and More just like them are NOT the cause of your Problem and Pain!
According to PainScience.com website there are problems with the above fake diagnoses of Your Pain and Dysfunctions.
1. Structural explanations for pain are generally unsupported by any scientific evidence and the last 25 years of research results shows these statements are NOT true.
2. Most Health Care Professionals Rarely agree on them =(Poor Diagnostic Reliability).
3. Most Structural Diagnoses are Difficult to impossible to do anything about or Correct. Even if Health Care Professionals could agree on the precise diagnosis it would not change the treatment of the root cause of your pain and limited abilities.
4. Patients and Clients are often given the Alarming Idea that the Slightest Crookedness or Curvature is “Serious.” Of course this would then require expensive treatment to correct.
5. A purely Biomechanical Approach is obstructing a more useful and new way of looking how and where pain starts. A Bio-Psycho-Social Approach is a more holistic way to help people get better with longer lasting results.
If you have heard these above False Statements Run Far Away from the person who is telling you those Lies and Misconceptions. Find a Better Place and a Better Person to Help you get Better for the Long Term in a Safe and Non-Harmful way.
Physical Therapy Connections, P.C.
(719) 565-6678