Resources are a tool for you to earn an education. Education cannot be taken away, it is something you earn by utilizing free and costly resources. Luckily for you we have designed a platform of resources for you here on our website that allows you to learn directly from the sources that our staff approves of. Our clinical staff includes Physical therapists, Physical therapist assistants, a Massage therapist, and certified strength and conditioning specialists. Resources are available including fitness, nutrition, pain relief, relaxation, performance, and much more.
Earn your education by watching all of our videos on youtube and in our exercise library. Follow us on facebook and twitter to receive updates on our video blog and news. You can always contact us by using our contact us page to learn more about how PT, Massage and Wellness can improve your current level of health and well-being. Your quality of life and satisfaction is important to us. We strive to provide excellent education for you. Call today to initiate your next session to improve your health.
P.S. – Sign up for our monthly workshop by calling 719-565-6678 or email to subscribe to our free newsletter.